Great Outdoors: Five ways to make the most of nature trips with your kids

The UK’s great outdoors are home to some of the most spectacular natural landscapes in the world. Getting out there on a staycation nature trip with your kids can be a great way to bond and give you some much needed relief from the house (especially after a hectic 2020). Here’s some of our top tips to make sure everything goes smoothly: 

Plan with the kids 

Getting the kids involved in your decision making will help you ignite that spark of excitement for the great outdoors. Gather some travel guides and spend some time asking your children what they’d like to do most, whether that’s delving into the history of castles or going for a muddy bike ride in the woods. You’ll see the fruits of your labour when your children are relishing the natural wonders they wanted to visit.

Try camping

For some parents, the idea of spending a week camping with their energetic children is a spine-chilling thought. In reality, it’s a fantastic way to fully experience the wonders nature has to offer. Make sure the campsite is a child-friendly one and close to the landmarks or walks you want to visit. Don’t forget the sleeping bags! 

Bring food with you

A nature trip can easily be disrupted by hangry kids and adults! Make sure to pack some spare snacks and water ready for any smaller trips into the wilderness. Why not extend your day trip as long as possible by packing a picnic lunch and enjoying a true al fresco meal with the family.


Look for wildlife

One of the most exciting parts of any nature trip for both kids and parents is the chance to find the wildlife. Get your little ones to write up a list of the animals they want to see and tick off the wildlife you capture when you’re wandering through the woods. Whether it’s a hare or a stag, it might be an idea to bring a child’s camera to help capture the moment. 

Take a (tiny) souvenir each

Some of the best memories are made when you go on nature trips with your kids. A great (and very natural) way to remember it, is to take a small souvenir from each place you visit. If you go for a walk in the woods, try and find a special leaf to take home with you; if you have a day by the seaside, find a lovely pebble. All of these tiny souvenirs can be put into a ‘nature trips box or scrapbook’ when you’re back home!

After such a tough year for the whole world, getting out of the house and enjoying a trip to nature is a must. Getting your children passionate about nature is a gift they’ll appreciate when they grow up.

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