It’s the news that dinosaur lovers have been waiting for… The new Jurassic World film comes out on Thursday, dino-mania is sweeping the nation and our little T-Rex has been getting rather excited!
This week we’re bringing you a little prehistoric inspired fun with the help of our Trunkisaurus Rex, (who can’t wait to get in on the action). Why not try out some of these fun activities with your family at home!
Midnight Dino Adventures…
How about this for a cool trick to play on the kids… One night an American couple decided to play a little prank on the kids by arranging their toy dinosaurs to make it look like they were coming to life at night. The little fellows got up to all kinds of mischief, breaking into the cereal boxes, partying with the loo roll, even spraying graffiti around the house!
The kids couldn’t wait to go to bed to see what adventures the dinosaurs would get up to by morning and the photos have gone on to inspire parents all over the world to have a bit of imaginative fun with their kids. Rex is never one to miss a party, can you spot him sneaking into the photo? ;-)
3D Dinosaur Model…
Why not create your very own 3D dinosaur with the kids with these cool printouts from Instructables. Just fold them together and you’ll have your very own movable dino toy in minutes!
Dinosaur Fossil Rocks…
Take your little ones on an archeologic dig with these cool dinosaur fossil rocks. It’s just a simple salt dough recipe baked in the oven but the results are awesome and the kids will have great fun on their excavation, digging out dinosaur remains. Rex can’t wait to see what’s hidden inside his!
Pimp out your pets…
Our little Trunkisaurus Rex likes to think of himself as a bit of a trend setter, so he asked us to share some suggestions for how you can transform some of your other family members with a cool dino-makeover! Want your very own little Trunki dinosaur? Rex is available from our website now. ;-)